Phone number

+1 514 513-4449


Opening hours

Lun-ven : 11h00 - 21h00 Sam : 11h00 - 19h00 Dim : 11h00 - 17h00


If you suffer from muscle or joint pain, you don't have to suffer in silence. Visit our massage therapy center, where we can offer you a therapeutic massage. This massage is more than just a relaxation technique. It's a way to heal your body and regain your vitality. You can trust us to take care of you. We can also give you advice to complete at home to enhance the effects of massages.


Red Light therapy

Red and NIR light enhances collagen and elastin production which results in:
smoother more youthful looking skin
reduce appearance of wrinkles scars and sun spots.
alleviation of skin conditions such as eczema and psariasis and more

Red Light therapy


A relaxing massage is a gift you can give yourself to enjoy a moment of peace and comfort. It's a way to escape the stress and worries of everyday life and to reconnect with yourself. A relaxing massage can help you sleep better, relieve pain and stiffness, and improve your mood and health. A relaxing massage is a gentle but effective massage. You will feel cared for and pampered in a comfortable and calming environment, where your well-being is our priority.



Your feet are more than just a means of getting around. Massages can improve your blood circulation, reduce your stress levels and improve your body's functions. They are also a gateway to your health and well-being. By massaging your feet, we can access the nerve endings that connect to every part of your body. It can help you relax and heal from head to toe. With our techniques applying pressure to specific points on your toes, arch and ankles, we have the ability to join other features of the body. Foot massage has many benefits for your health and well-being.
